Troubleshooting App Validation or App could NOT Resolve Issues


Last Update 4 ปีที่แล้ว

When you enter Google Play or App Store link in "Application URL" field while setup campaign then the platform will automatically validate the app and shows it's details but in case it does NOT happen then you can hit "Validate" button to force the validation process.

Note: Our system validates app in US market so, if your app is NOT available in US then you may get validation error or could not resolve error.

Still Getting Validation Error?

  1.  Please make sure you are entering Google Play link or App Store link in "Application URL" field under "Select Application from ..." box.
  2. In case you are still getting validation error even after hitting "Validate" button then you may make use of "Skip Validation" checkbox to skip the same in such rare cases.

Note: Use "Skip Validation" button only if you believe that your app is live in the Play Store (or App Store)

Advanced Solution for some Rare Cases:

  1. In some rare cases it can be possible that the app is available only in one or two countries then please first choose your target country before validating your app. The system will validate your app against the very first country shown in the targeted country list after selected.
  2. If nothing works, kindly reach out to support with your app link so that we can deeply check, maybe the app or publisher you are trying to promote is spreading a known threat or malware and hence blacklisted.

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